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A Peek into Chinese Wedding Decorations

Chinese wedding decorations are known across the globe for their traditional yet beautiful designs. In Singapore, they are especially popular and many couples opt for these decorations for their special day. Chinese wedding decorations often feature vibrant colours, such as red and gold, as well as intricate designs that are used to represent elements of the Chinese culture. The decorations are usually used to decorate the wedding venue, and the couple uses them to showcase their love and commitment to each other.

The Meaning Behind Chinese Wedding Decorations

Chinese wedding decorations are not just for aesthetics. They are also chosen for their symbolism and meaning. For example, red is the traditional colour for Chinese weddings as it symbolises joy, happiness and good luck. Red also represents the bride and groom coming together as one. The decorations often feature other symbols such as dragons and Chinese knots, which represent strength, power and good luck. Chinese wedding decorations also feature images of birds, which symbolise the couple’s commitment to each other and their union.

Popular Chinese Wedding Decorations in Singapore

One of the most popular Chinese wedding decorations in Singapore are the double happiness lanterns. These lanterns are often used to decorate the wedding venue, and they are meant to represent the couple’s union. They are usually made of red paper and feature two Chinese characters that mean double happiness. In addition to lanterns, Chinese weddings often feature paper flowers and paper fans. These decorations are usually brightly coloured and are used to add a touch of colour to the wedding venue.

Using Traditional Chinese Wedding Decorations

Many couples in Singapore opt for traditional Chinese wedding decorations for their special day. These decorations often include Chinese knots, dragon sculptures, and paper cut-outs. Chinese knots are usually made of red silk and feature intertwined loops. They are meant to represent the couple’s union and are often hung up around the wedding venue. Dragon sculptures are often used to represent strength and power, while paper cut-outs are used to decorate the walls and tables.

Using Modern Chinese Wedding Decorations

In recent years, modern Chinese wedding decorations have become increasingly popular in Singapore. These decorations often feature modern designs and vibrant colours. Couples often choose to use modern Chinese wedding decorations to add a unique touch to their special day. Popular modern Chinese wedding decorations include flower walls, lighted signs, and hanging lanterns. Flower walls are often used to decorate the wedding venue and feature colourful paper flowers. Lighted signs are often used to display the couple’s names and date of their wedding. Hanging lanterns are often hung up in the wedding venue and feature intricate designs such as dragons or Chinese knots.

Choosing the Right Chinese Wedding Decorations

When it comes to choosing the right Chinese wedding decorations for your special day, it is important to consider the theme of your wedding. Traditional decorations are often chosen for more traditional weddings, while modern decorations are often chosen for modern weddings. It is also important to take into account the budget for the decorations. Chinese wedding decorations can be expensive, so it is important to plan ahead and budget accordingly.

Where to Buy Chinese Wedding Decorations in Singapore

There are many places in Singapore where couples can purchase Chinese wedding decorations. Many wedding shops and online stores offer a wide selection of decorations for couples to choose from. Prices vary, so it is important to shop around and compare prices before making a purchase. In addition, couples can also choose to DIY their decorations, which can be a great way to save money.


Chinese wedding decorations are a beautiful way to add a touch of culture and tradition to a wedding. In Singapore, they are especially popular and couples often opt for traditional or modern decorations. It is important to consider the theme of the wedding and the budget before making a purchase. There are many places in Singapore where couples can purchase Chinese wedding decorations, such as wedding shops and online stores.